Wednesday, May 18, 2005

San Francisco!

I just want to congratulate my brother, Michael, on his successful move from Nashville to San Francisco. It's gutsy to uproot and leave everything you've known for most of your adult life. Many blessings to you there.

I also welcome your additions to my blog, now that you have the time to read it; until, of course, you land a job and work 80 hours a week to pay for that outlandish San Fran cost of living.


Rachael King said...

I'm sorry. Just keep reminding yourself it's an "adjustment period". These things take time. I've been in G-Raps for four and a half years and am only now.. oh wait- that's not encouraging...

You already have friends out there, you're a personable guy, and there's sure to be a good job for someone with your skills.

Let me know how your meeting went today..

Rachael King said...

If I knew the answer to those questions I'd be doing it. You could always write a blog for, oh, three or four people (yourself included). I don't know. It's just an idea.