Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Meet Lucy

She's eight years old, transplanted here, after her owners of seven years moved to an apartment with no room for a pet. We hope she spends her golden years well and learns to love us. She's a good old girl.


lithereed said...

I bet she's a sweetheart.
Someday I would like to take care of a pet as sweet and demanding as a dog. For now, I'll stick to reptiles. I plan to attend the reptile show in a couple weeks to get a friend for Godzilla.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, she is cute!!! not nearly as cute as maggie, but that's what every pet owner says:-)

Ron said...

Hey Rachael,
I hadn't checked in here in quite a while - what a great looking dog. I love labs!
Hope you all are doing well.

Rachael King said...

She is the best dog! I can't say "ever" because I had a miniature daschund in my youth that I loved dearly, despite her never quite being housebroken (my poor parents). Lucy is a breeze. She's everything a dog should be, and I really can't complain. She is rather needy, emotionally--she can't stand to be alone. She's lying at my feet already and I just sat down!

How is everyone there? Say "hi" for me. Say "woof" to Percy, from Lucy, too.

Anonymous said...
