Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Putting My Finger in the Dam

So far I'm holding depression at bay, thanks to several people in several different ways. I've also found that anger is a good way to fight depression, because there's no room for apathy. But I don't recommend it (anger nor apathy). But then again, a little apathy is good now and then; sometimes the problem in depression is taking (the dark things in) life too seriously. But then again, anger is the opposite of apathy, and sometimes that can give meaning to what seems otherwise vacuous.

lol. I sound half-baked, don't I?

1 comment:

Rachael King said...

Well I did say I don't recommend it. You may not be depressed while angry but you'll run into a whole slew of other problems. Maybe it isn't a "good" way to staveoffdepression, but it is an effective one, at least to a point. If depression is characterized by apathy, anger is incompatible with it.